Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are there any sites out there where i can find a long lost friends e mail address(if they have one) or just fi

are there any free sites out there where i can find a long lost friends e mail address (if they have one) or possibly just trace them anyway.ive been on a few which say they are free but as you start to register they all want your details as well as your cash.any help at all would be appreciated

Are there any sites out there where i can find a long lost friends e mail address(if they have one) or just fi
Friends reunited used to be free to join but you had to pay a few quid to contact people.

Myspace is totally free although finding old friends is still rather hit and miss.

There are people search sites like which asks for money to get full details but you might get a clue as to where else to start looking.

The electoral roll is still free to look up but I think you have to visit the library or something and that might cost a bus fare.

Why are you so determined not to pay for anything?

You pay for food and clothes and stuff like that but you don't want to pay for information. The most valuable commodity of all.
Reply:try and google it, sometimes it works
Reply:i hope not , thats a bit worrying if you can xx
Reply:join Orkut or Hi5

U may meet ur friends there!
Reply:go to the free version of webdetective..
Reply:No site if it is conscientious will give out email addresses. Why should they be free anyway how do you think such sites fund the cost of running them? might be useful but it isn't free.

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