Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm thinking of started a blues band a few of my friends. Should we make up our own music or just find music?

I play the saxophone and two of my friends both play electric guitar. I think we should find a drummer but i don't know if it will work out with us making up our blues or playing blue from a book or something. How should I do this?

I'm thinking of started a blues band a few of my friends. Should we make up our own music or just find music?

Don't even try to be a blues band without listening to the greats ... a lot. Cover whatever songs of theirs you choose, and after a while, start writing your own songs.

Never mind books. Once you learn how to play blues, you don't need them.
Reply:Start with covering blues artists. Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf,

Johnny Winter, SRV, Allman Brothers Band, and many more come to mind. After your group gets the feel for playing together, then you can start collaborating on original songs.

Reply:start with cover charts and try to add your own twist to them if you can. if you plan to make cd's and such, i would suggest putting your own music on it, it costs money to cover someone elses music on a album.

Reply:If you or one of your friends has the ability to make up quality songs (more than just a blues progression), then make them up. I don't think it ever hurts to study the masters of the form as an early start either.
Reply:If you just find music wouldn't you be just a "cover band".

Good luck in finding a drummer!
Reply:For starters stick with making cover songs..that way you kinda get into the rhythm of it all and find what your strengths and weaknesses are. In the mean time go ahead and start writing your own music. Have fun with it. Playing the blues is is like fresh air now 'n days.

Racing Shoes

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