Thursday, August 19, 2010

Every time we have fight she goes find her male friends?

Although she is my ex now, I still wonder why. Is that normal, if some women reading this, answer me will you go to find your male friends to have dinner together, go to cinema, etc after you have a arugement with your bf?

Thank you very much.

Every time we have fight she goes find her male friends?
oh my brother.... I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but that wasn't dinner and a movie they went and did. And more than likely it wasn't just when you fought either.

If she is going to run off with one guy she is going to run off with the rest of them too. Either she reveres respect or she mocks it and you found one that mocks it.
Reply:It's very child-like behavior, instead of tackling a problem like an adult, there's a constant need to be stroked and comforted. It's best she's your ex.
Reply:Going out with male friends boosts her ego. Also, they can give her advice for dealing with you. Plus, it can also create the jealousy card.
Reply:Its true - I do it to.... My male friend pays me stacks of attention after I've had a argument with my b/f... I know why he does it but he knows hes got no chance with me.. but he is still my best friend.... I have his number on speed dial
Reply:It all depends, My best friend is a guy. Im single, and not dating, and If I need to talk he is there.
Reply:maybe, she do that spending to other men or male friends to forget those arguments. it is your way how you will deal that to your girlfriend. if you don't like that, just tell her about your confusion.
Reply:No it is not normal. Don't worry about her anymore. Move on and find someone who will love you the way you could love them. She is never going to find real love the way she is going. Games like that can get someone hurt. Stay away from girls like that.
Reply:Yes, Its normal. She was mad at you... and going to dinner with another guy would possibly make you mad. And the fact that she did it with male FRIENDS is at least a good sign. Its not like everytime yall faught she wanted to go date someone else. So she kept it to at least friends which means she wasnt trying to find someone else... Just trying to get you a little jealous! ;o) It's ok, I guarentee you she was thinking about you the whole time!
Reply:Not really, I hang out with my female friends so I rant about how much my man is such a twit sometimes. But that's me personally.

teeth cleaning

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