Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guys: Do you find yourself often falling in love with platonic friends?

Do you find yourself falling in love with your platonic girlfriends more, or easier, than having had you just met them as strangers? Are friends, turned lovers, been better relationship experiences; as opposed to had you known very little about a girl prior to dating?

Guys: Do you find yourself often falling in love with platonic friends?
it's not really faling in love, but we do enjoy having occasional sex when we spend time together, drinking, messing around etc.
Reply:A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy. --Friedrich Nietzsche

Ordinarily, if a man is talking to a woman he's secretly hoping she'll sleep with him. Sorry, but them is the facts.
Reply:My best friend in the world is a woman. My girlfriend wasn't to hot about that but over time, she's become cool about it. She's like my big sister. Always there when I need a friend and has pulled my butt out of a few bad times. I love her very much. She's family to me. Am I in love with her though? no. Knowing her is how I understood the term love but not in love. I'm very much in love with my girlfriend and we're planning marriage and a family. But my best friend and I have loved each other for many years and have many more to go. Nothing ever has or ever will materialize physically between us. We respect each other and the perfect relationship we already have to much to change it.
Reply:the longer i no a gal the more i like her eavin if just frends
Reply:No, you are his "friend" b/c you are ugly.
Reply:i am not a guy i just would like ot add that my brother said he does not liek to date friends becaus e the friendship i svaulued adn he wouldnot want it to be akward but my brother is a dumbass s idk

baby teeth losing

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