Sunday, August 22, 2010

Did you find the peace after came out with your parents or friends or anybody else?

I came out with my mom,aunt and grandmother.. these last ones I dont know if they accept. and my mom doesnt accept me.., she doesnt like the idea to see with a man.. and the rest of my family dont know and my friends suspect.. I act effeminate.. but I am into many manly things.. in my country mexico.. effeminate is a sign of being gay.. even I dont want to label myself.. I would like to find a manly man.. but I dont find.. I live in a small town.. returning to my peace. I have anxiety and I dont find the peace yet.. after 6 months of coming out.. so I still looking for it.. and you?

Did you find the peace after came out with your parents or friends or anybody else?
I did not immediately find a sense of peace, but I did find a sense of freedom. I no longer had to hide this part of myself, and no longer feared anyone else finding out. This freedom to be who I was gradually led to a feeling of peace.
Reply:Ugh. No. I mean sure, it felt really good to get it off my chest. I had a hard time with telling my mum and still have a hard time talking to her about my boyfriend. She told me recently that she and my dad both thing being gay is wrong. But, I can't help it.

So to answer your question, I didn't find the inner peace with my family, but I did with my friends. They're all really cool and very accepting.
Reply:No really. Coming out doesn't solve all your problems. However things eventually got better little by little.

teeth cleaning

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