Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am 23 yrs old and I have never dated and refuse to hang out with my friends..I find it satisfying just......

I have never dated or had a boyfriend and I do have some friends..actually I have 3 friends which I do talk to when I am obligated to. All my life, I find it satisfying just staying alone and being by myself.

It seems that whenever I am with other people, I feel very uncomfortable and I don't feel that I can be myself without being looked down upon.

I do everything by myself, Go shopping, movies, bars etc.....

I had a boy that I was talking (never dated, just talked on the phone) to but he got annoyed because I wasn't paying any attention to him and that I indulge in myself too much..he really hurt my feelings because he said that no one wants someone that like to stay to themselves.

I am the oldest of 3 siblings, so I don't think that is the issue. I don't think I came from a sheltered family. And whats odd is that I am Libra..Libra's are social butterflies, but I am the opposite....

Is this lifestyle normal?

I am 23 yrs old and I have never dated and refuse to hang out with my friends..I find it satisfying just......
sound like to me you lack self confident and I don't see any thing wrong with it. There are times I don't want to be bother and go places alone as well.

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