Sunday, August 22, 2010

IS ther a LIK way on YAhoo 2 LIK find out MY frieNDS E-mAiL addRESs cUz im nOT fiNDiNg a waY 2 cONtakT thEM!?

i need 2 find out quik! plez help me! i have a lot of friends tat i need 2 find on yahoo n evn som tat arnt on yahoo (i tink ) so lik wat i can do is tell the names of them and then i need 2 get their e-mail fast! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

IS ther a LIK way on YAhoo 2 LIK find out MY frieNDS E-mAiL addRESs cUz im nOT fiNDiNg a waY 2 cONtakT thEM!?
I am amazed that you can sound immature on the internet.
Reply:its called a privacy policy, just call them !!!!!

how about your go to the computer section and ask someone how to freakin type.

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