Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do you make people see the real me so I can have more friends and find love without changing me?

I have trouble making friends and find love. People I think don't trust me because I'm nice, or they think because I don't joke around that I'm robot. How can I be me but gain more friendship and find someone that love me for me.

How do you make people see the real me so I can have more friends and find love without changing me?
The real answer is to truly love and respect yourself. It is your own healthy self-image and self-respect that will draw others to you--decent people who will not take advantage of you or disrespect you.
Reply:Finding people that will love you for who you are isn't so much a question of what you're doing wrong as it is who you associate with. You can't make anybody do anything--even if you hold a gun to someone's head and say "Do this or die!" it's still their choice. The best you can do is examine the kinds of people you associate with, and change that if necessary. It's good you desire to stay strong in your convictions and remian true to yourself--in this world of facetious idealogy, that's a quality many are lacking. Finding others who share your beliefs and desires is a good place to start, because people find it easier to accept someone when they more closely resemble the man (or woman) in the mirror.

In all seriousness, I'd suggest trying a dating site. Being able to scrutinze an individual before ever meeting them is a great boon to the shy.
Reply:It will come in time, if your personality is like you say. It took me ages, as im normally quiet, but i like being a good person. Dont change, and the right people will come to you, it will just take time my friend. 2 years in my case haha
Reply:Why don't you joke around? Don't you have a sense of humor?

I'm not putting you down, It just sounds strange that you don't joke around. It is good that you are a nice person. People like to laugh and joke around. Some more that others. What makes you laugh? You need to find people that have the same interests as you. Meet as many people as you can and just be yourself.
Reply:Stop caring what other people think and just be you. You might find that people are attracted to that.
Reply:People have to accept you for the person you are. If they cannot, then they are worth being your friend. If you are a nice guy as you say - then people just have to see that for themself and choose to want to build a friendship with you. On the other hand, why don't you invite someone out for a juice or a movie - try and build a friendship with one person for now - and then it will be easier to branch out to others. At times, people want to have friends, but they are not willing to go out and start a friendship. No one will walk up to you and ask if they can be your friend....make the first friendship gesture - see how it goes :)
Reply:hi.... I'm sure you are a good and nice person ... not joking around doesn't mean that you are a robot, it means that you are a good and reasonable person.... who doesn't see you as reasonable, nice and great person, is the one with a problem

you just be who you are and deal with people with more confidence, show them who you really are

Good Luck
Reply:don't try anything for friends just try to do your work and help every one.
Reply:You can start by putting a real picture of you on your Avatar.
Reply:hey dont care abt wat others think %26amp; dont try to change ur self fr them jus bcause ur that way doesnt mean u cant hv freindz %26amp; that the world will stop
Reply:just either be yourself or change your hairdo so some1 will notice(maybe cut it or spray it green!)
Reply:Get to know yourself first. You can't expect people to like you or even know you if you don't have a strong sense of who you are. Don't try to get others to like you, like and respect yourself and people will sense that about you and be drawn to who you are naturally.
Reply:Lie, ...alot! lol jk

or do the Opposite, like George Costanza!!!

If your life is the complete opposite of everything you want it to be... you need to do the opposite!

"If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right."

when you feel like doing something, do the opposite.

when u talk to people and you want to say something to them... say the opposite of what you mean.

i dont know if it works, but it couldnt hurt to try it!
Reply:the best thing is to be yourself. find something that your good at, and that'll attract a lot of people. or go out and find someone with the same interest
Reply:This might sound silly, but take yourself out. Take yourself on a date to do the things that you would most like to do. Take yourself on a picnic outing or the theater or a delicious restaurant.

And make a practice of it, of doing the things that excite you most, and make you happiest. There are places that people congregate based on their interests. If you are doing something that makes you happy, and you meet someone else doing the same thing and it makes them happy- you have something in common. Finding common ground between ourselves and others is the first step to building relationships. Be around those who make you feel good or support your feelings of goodness.
Reply:Go streaking during homecoming on a big college campus. You'll get a whole lot of friends and a whole lot of love.
Reply:I am pretty sure that there are people that you joke around with. There are a group of people that you will do that with and a group that you will not. So no matter how hard you try to make people like you there are just going to be some who just will not no matter how nice you are to them. And if you find yourself trying to make someone like you it is not worth it. You be yourslf, don't try to change for anyone, then when you do that you send out a false interpretation of whom you are. I bet you wouldn't want begin a relationship with anyone based on a lie as to who that person is. So don't try it. It will not work, and will play negatively on you in the future. Just be patient about love, don't rush it. Love will come. Just remember to be you at all times.
Reply:join a circus.
Reply:sounds like you need someone equally as dull and boring as yourself

good luck.
Reply:Maybe what you could do is do things to draw positive attention toward yourself, such as exploiting your talents. Maybe if you find someone else who seems kind of like a drifter, you could become friends with them. Thats what I did and then you could enter their circle of friends. Good luck!
Reply:just be wat u r!! be honest n straight abt ur feeling..u don't have to be unnatural so the ppl can like u..if they like u they will except u the way u r!!
Reply:You need to be around different ppl, just be urself thats all u really can do ;)
Reply:If no one is accepting you for who you really are, then move on until you find the one who does. That will be your true friend.
Reply:To make a friend, you've got to be a friend. Don't wait for others to like you. Go up to people, talk to them. You can still be nice, but try not to be withdrawn. I think the best way to get to know folks is to ask questions and find something you have in common. Then both of you have something to talk about.
Reply:well go 2 sckool without clothes then they wll see the real u lol
Reply:just be patient and be good and the good things get here before you know it . in a perfect world .
Reply:be urself lol

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