Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do I find an intelligent and attractive woman who has little or no male friends?

I'm 35 and have an active dating life, but what I'm looking for is hard to find. I also have no female friends outside of work.

How do I find an intelligent and attractive woman who has little or no male friends?
believe me, woman with no male friends is getting yourself in big trouble. don't be that paranoid.
Reply:Start going to church activities.
Reply:If she is intelligent and attractive, she would have a lot of male friends.
Reply:that is really hard! hwere can u find a female that has no male friends? my best avdice is to not be so picky and be happy that u have an oppertunity to date a certain girl! open ur eyes..every girls has a male friend..
Reply:why should she not have friends? A friend is just a friend regardless of gender. And if she is that intelligent and attractive, I am sure that she would have friends, male or otherwise. Maybe you should revise you standards a little they seem a little unattainable.
Reply:Why would you not want a woman to have male friends?? That seems very controlling and a little bit creepy. When you find someone you like, who cares what people she has as friends. Love is so special and so hard to find, why limit yourself by something silly like that?
Reply:You sound a bit insecure if one of your requirements is that she "has little or no male friends".

I would worry more about getting yourself complete before looking for love. If you are happy with yourself then you won't feel threatened by a girls "male friends".

Good luck though.
Reply:become an intelligent and attractive lesbian.
Reply:Why are you looking for a woman with little or no male friends? Women with more male friends tend to be happier.... Not to mention the fact that if you're planning on dating her, it probably feels better to know that she chose you to be the one when she had all those other male friends to choose from, right?

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