Monday, August 16, 2010

Is it okay to ask the guy you likes friends to find out if he likes me?

i like this guy and i asked one of his good friends to find out if he likes me, is that wrong?

Is it okay to ask the guy you likes friends to find out if he likes me?
nothing wrong with it.

you're just being shy......^_^
Reply:nope, he's friend goes and tells him and if he likes you and isn't stupid you guys try the dating thing. GL
Reply:no lol theres nothing wrong with asking a question
Reply:nope there's nothing wrong with that

but i think that a guy would like it better if you told them yourself.

good luck! =]
Reply:no but you should talk to him yourself.

he may not want to talk to your friends.
Reply:No I don't think there is anything wrong with that but I myself would just ask the guy instead of relying on what his friend says
Reply:No. That's one of the best ways to find out. See since they're friends and they tell each other stuff you should find out right away.
Reply:Yes, it is.. because you should be woman enought to ask for yourself. You don't need a 3rd leg. That is how drama get started.. If you want to know just ask him... Because that best friend of his could tell you anything..
Reply:not wrong but you'd be better of asking him directly.
Reply:no girls and boys have been do that for years ,,, it would be not to ask and end up wondering
Reply:no... he'll probably ask him if he likes you

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