Thursday, August 19, 2010

How can some asian do this find and use my friends name?

how can someone find and use a friends personal name to IM me when there name is not on there proflie with yahoo i know they can send me a IM by my user name but there personal signature i dont understand and all the writing is in asian cant understand a word can someone explain yahoo seems reluctant to tell me.

How can some asian do this find and use my friends name?
I had this sort of thing happen to me.Those guys can easily hijack your yahoo account.I dont know how they do it but they really suck.
Reply:your fiend can start with going 2 control panel and clicking onto uses account, then click change account, click owners, and put in a password.. write it down so not 2 forget.. then download AVG.. by its a anti virus.. stops pop ups and hackers from getting in.. AVG. is also free and easy on your computer.. when i had Norton and Mcafee, hackers were in all the time.. never will i trust them again.. AVG, is up with the best of them : )
Reply:Anyone can crack any type of account, using bruteforce, keyloggers,backdoors and such, thats why you need a good firewall and anti-virus. Dont go for big commerical fire walls and anti-viruses cause their detection rate suck.

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