Thursday, August 19, 2010

This Prob: I am an extrovert, and i have plenty of friends, but howcome- I cant find someone who Clicks??help

I don’t know why, its been about 4-5 months since we last got back together and broke up again - I’ve decided never to get back with him again, and anyhow I don’t stand a chance, However, I want to move on. I am not being able to find someone why makes me want to be with them and commit all over again!!

Please advice, I want a relationship, but I am un-able to find anyone who really interests me, and so I am just not into it right now - what should I do??

Advice, plz

Ive been hanging out with my friends, and they say i am nice, they say i am cute and all - but howcome I cant find anyone who clicks?? why is it so hard to find a nice guy to go out with - who u just meet soon enough??

whats going wrong.......????

This Prob: I am an extrovert, and i have plenty of friends, but howcome- I cant find someone who Clicks??help
I feel your pain. All you have to do is, go out with an open mind, and not expect anything to really happen, and that is (well so I am told) it will happen. When you least expect it. Don't try so hard. Let it find you. And it will. I know, it is harder than just reading these words. But, I am in the same boat. Patience is a virtue. Good Luck, and It will happen.
Reply:what kidn of friend are you looking for? where do you look? depending wher you look is what you will find. Good luck!
Reply:maybe your just trying too hard. stop trying and things will change

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