Sunday, August 22, 2010

I find myself NOT wanting to hang out with my semi-close friends?

like i dont want to go out with them

why do i feel like this?

ive been saying i have other stuff to do for the past 3 days and been saying no for the past 3 days.

i hate saying no and they are my only friends fd'skhofhda

but i just find myself not feeling like going.

I find myself NOT wanting to hang out with my semi-close friends?
Omg.. im in the same position!! But even worse.. it has been weeks!! and i hate making excuses too.. but I have been doing so all along.

I'm not sure why it's like that with you.. but I guess possible reasons could be you have something in your mind. Perhaps you're guilty of something you did to your close friends, or maybe they will be leaving soon, so you're just sad. Or maybe you're in love with someone.. I'm not sure.. but it's definitely a problem!! If you don't know what's bothering you, you better find out.

For me.. I have a number of reasons. I like a guy a lot. Stress from school work. Family problems. And I'm starting to feel like I can't manage things well which has greatly hurt my confidence. This is why I mainly am trying to avoid my friends. Do you have similar reasons as I do? Do let me know..

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