Thursday, August 19, 2010

I like this gill, i met her in forth grade and we were friends,i think she like me to, how do i find out?

We met in fouth grade,and we were good friends, we then went to new schools and didnt see each other for three years now we are in the 7th grade and every time I walk through the hall she seems to look away from me, how do i find out she likes me?

I like this gill, i met her in forth grade and we were friends,i think she like me to, how do i find out?
its called you open your mouth and ask
Reply:well..the most obvious answer is to ask her. You could also make friends with her, talk to her more often and as time goes by..she might say that she likes you. You could also ask a friend to ask her who she likes. or Ask a friend of hers. The best way is to have a conversation with that she won't be shy to you and would never look away again.....(hope this helps)
Reply:Just be charming, and flirt a lot. After awhile, if it seems like she likes you, ask her out on a date or something.
Reply:Hey what's up? Just let her do her thing and see what happens. Sooner or later you'll forget about her and find sombody else. If that doesn't work hang out with some of her friends and act causuall when she comes. Just let her sneak her way into youand remember, there's lot's of other fish in the sea!

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