Thursday, August 19, 2010

I need to find a nice picture of 'two friends' that I can use for the cover of my novel?

I have a novel I have to write for school, and right now I'm decorating the cover of it. The two main characters, Deidra and Kira, should be on the cover. I'd like to draw them how I see them in my head, but I'm not very good and they'll be cheesy. Deidra would need to have long dark hair, and Kira quite short brown hair. Is there any picture(like a proffesional picture with models) that could have girls that have those looks and resemble friends in the image? It's so hard to find..

I need to find a nice picture of 'two friends' that I can use for the cover of my novel?

what about the girls in this photo

or this one (i kno the hair may not be right but i like it)

ill update this if i find more ;)

note to triple threat

its a school project get off that high horse
Reply:How about this one?:
Reply:you cannot just take an image off google images, that breaks copyright law. You need to purchase an image from a stock photo company. offers images for under $10 and you would be supporting a photographer who makes their living taking pictures for people who need exactly what your looking for.

EDIT: THUMBS down me ALL you want, but its the darn truth, and I'll do all i can to protect photographers and artists like myself from being exploited and ripped off, thank you very much.

ARTISTS HAVE RIGHTS TOO DANG IT! Sorry, just don't understand what is wrong with people today!

and * Actually, MY suggestion to you would be to get a couple of your friends, make em look good, go outside in the sun, and PHOTOGRAPH your novel cover yourself! Its more personal that way, and fun for your friends, and for you...and your teacher would probably appreciate the fact that you didn't STEAL an image off the net. It shows that you have really thought about the project. MANY MANY of the book covers out there are custom photographed for specific themes....
Reply:I agree with Triple Threat... it IS, in fact, **illegal** to just take pictures off the internet without contacting the artist, photographer, etc. However, you don't always have to pay to use an image. Some websites have free stock images. Also, if you find an image that you think is perfect, just shoot the photographer an email saying something like, "Hi! I found your image on (whatever website you found it on) and I was wondering if you would allow me to use the picture for a school project?.." ...Then go on to describe your project, etc. Remember to be nice and VERY polite! If you do use an image from a free stock website or you are given permission from a photographer to use his/her image, make sure you give credit to the photographer!! This doesn't have to be huge or ugly, just write on the cover somewhere (in the corner, right beneath the picture, whatever) "Photo taken by: (photographer's name, or - from free stock site - photographer's username from"

I also like Triple Threat's suggestion of taking a photo with your friends. That way, you can get the photo exactly how you want it in the way of poses, etc.

Mmm, one more suggestion - try getting 2 images, one of each girl, (legally, of course) and sticking them together via Photoshop or a similar program. I'd be happy to help you out with that if you need.

Hope this helps. =)

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