Sunday, August 22, 2010

Does it happen to anybody else, when you wish to make some friends, but cant find anybody at least half-smart?

I am not picky, but seems everytime i meet some people , all they talk about is about how not to get pregnant, who slept with who, how to get guys, and etc. I tried to talk about something else, like traveling, fashion, arts or hobbies, but nobody could keep that conversations.

Where to find friends who would like to talk about anything but pregnancy, secrets of lucky datings, different guys, how not to get pregnant?

Does it happen to anybody else, when you wish to make some friends, but cant find anybody at least half-smart?
Yes, it can be frustrating when you feel surrounded by superficial or shallow thinkers. That is your clue to change your routine, environment, and even associates... as you mature, your priorities change.

A good place to start your search is in any "higher education" venue because intelligent people value their educations. Bypass those going to class because they "have to"... seek out the ones that are intent on their studies for self enrichment.

Whether it is at college or private classes, follow your interests to find people of like mind... then you will have common ground to start conversations and establish friendships with.

Participate in the sports you like; attend clinics, join in tournaments, or just be a spectator to meet others of like interest. Learn a new skill like sailing, horseback riding, rock climbing, tennis, flying, etc.

Some people with "refined tastes" are generally deeper thinkers. Consider fashion, art, horse or dog shows, museums and botanical gardens, gourmet dining, food, and wine tastings, galleries, local political, community or social groups and clubs. Volunteer organizations also tend to attract quality people to their ranks. Join, actively participate, don't just visit.

No matter how "good" any person is, they can always "better" themselves. The ignorant remain stagnant, while the dynamic evolve. Practice tolerance, be realistic, and have fun!
Reply:You're going to have to leave Russia, or Idaho - whichever Moscow you are in.

Then your chances of finding an intelligent guy will go way up.
Reply:I don't know how old you are...but the college crowd in the Northeast US is what you're looking for...there are still idiots, but it's a lot less attractive to be a complete dumbsh*t up there; especially in Boston and NY. Even really pretty blonde girls in NY atleast try to say something intelligent...
Reply:Try not going to bars to meet them.
Reply:Anyone else find it ironic that this poster is looking for intelligent "friends" in the Marriage and Divorce section ?
Reply:I know exactly what you mean. It's really annoying when your friends talk about their b/f's or g/f's all of the time. If you find friends that talk about other topics that would be great. Please let me know where to find them because thats all I hear about also. It gets very annoying.
Reply:Go to a book store and stand next to the travel section...........
Reply:yes, I don't know how much it has to do with intelligence, it seems sometimes this is all women can think about in general. it is becoming increasingly hard, in men %26amp; women, to find inteligent conversation in my opinion sound like a younger version of me! If I could go back in time, I would engage in classes at community centres, book club, night class etc...and target your specific interests. Hey, atleast the other people in the class would be there for the same reason!!

I think it's ok to have a variety of friends that have a great diversity of interests. Friends, even the ones that just talk "guys" can still be a loyal friend in times of need BUT I think you just need to expand where YOU hang out. It's nice to keep some friends for going out and having fun and some others to sit a discuss a topic of interest with etc...
Reply:I love to talk about religion.
Reply:maybe u should hang out in places other than loser ville

oh u are saying the USA is "loser ville" then go home and kiss Putins byceps and talk about fashion.
Reply:When you find out please let me know. Most of the time I hear the women around here talk about how to get with one of the soldiers (we live close to post) whether they are married or not then they see the dog tags around my neck and my wedding bands and feel really stupid.
Reply:I feel the same way
Reply:I'll be your friend and I promise we'll have interesting conversations. I'm a good story teller too!
Reply:Awww... I find it hard to find friends that I share common interests with as well, though I have a few. All i can say is it takes time. be open to new aquaintences and be happy :D
Reply:Women are molded by television to act a certain way.....Sex in the City becomes their reality.

Women in europe tend to be more sophisticated partly because the educational system there broadens their outlook instead of narrowing it down like here in US. Of course, this affects guys as well.
Reply:You have found the secret to long-lasting relationships. Knowledge, wisdom, empathy, courage and COMMUNICATION!

Try going back to college. This is where you will find the ones trying to be smart.
Reply:i can t find smart people neither,and i just feel like evrybody is so imature!

i have no friends,evrytime i talk to a girl i get so bored,it s always about a guy,and sex,and it s boring.

i wnt to make friends,but i feel like am in a diferent level,i don t know.

hey why don t we became friends we can try at least by chating .
Reply:I don't have that problem because I live in the middle of Silicon Valley. Everyone is educated. I love it!!
Reply:The more I get to know people, the better I like my dog.
Reply:Ive given up at anyone being as bright as me.
Reply:Try some 1 older??That has some other interest%26gt;
Reply:Half-smart, eh? That seems like it shouldn't be hard for you at all. I REALLY mean that.
Reply:My dear, the first place to start would be...SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN WHERE YOU ARE LOOKING NOW! If you keep encountering the same type of people the problem is not with them, it is with you. You are the one who must change. Join some new clubs, get a new hobby, start shopping in different stores, stop looking for men in the same bars, take some new university classes in a subject you enjoy just for the fun, take a vacation by yourself to the place on earth you think is the best place to go (you just might find him there), go to a new church (if you are religious). . .

Do something different.
Reply:Well maybe you are looking in all the wrong places!

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