Sunday, August 22, 2010

Other than sports, what topics do you find appropriate to start conversations with your friends?

In general, I want to know what topics do people converse to their friends.

I find it sometimes near impossible to find topics to begin conversations with other people.

Other than sports, what topics do you find appropriate to start conversations with your friends?
Poop jokes
Reply:Sharing a funny story at work or at home...asking them of

they read a new best seller, asking them about their

day/experiences....current events, %26amp; so on.. but please

dont talk about Aunt Mays Kidney stone operation, or

anything like that!
Reply:oh two good ones are politics and religion. then you can taper off. maybe sometimes it gets people really going and angry lol. i love it. but there are so many things talking about traveling to different states and maybe going on a cruise is fun and they may know something about that. i mean there are so many topics painting a barn house or something tlike that.
Reply:Howareya? Graduate quickly to You look good~now zoom in with so what about them Blazers? Then giver her a big smile. Deep breath and bear in mind that the only thing scary about girls is that we are girls. Think about our situation, we have to talk to boys?!? lol....really, its the best advice ever, no matter what we look or act like or whatever we are girls. Not robots, not possessions, not monsters. just girls. Try saying anything light. or maybe check her comfort. Warm enough, need a coat? CALLIFYOUSAYYOUAREGONNACALL.. Thank her for spending her time with you and get her home before curfew. This applies to you big boys too by the way, if you are young you are setting a pattern, hope ya like it, if you are old and alone go back to the start of this answer. Thank You very much.
Reply:That's typically because you want to use the social environment around you to your advantage. It's a skill that's developed through use, and IMO, essential to starting a relationship. Ask them what they did this summer, movies, any part time jobs, music, concerts, and several other things. Note that you don't want to come off as talking too much, so...just keep on developing those social skills.
Reply:Bring somthing up that was funny or what you did later that day. I usally start my topics with what i did on what I thought was important and or funny. Asking questions are good to.
Reply:Talk about something interesting that happened, such as a nonsport event, or something that happened on the news that caught your interest. Talk about things happening at home or at work, or something interesting for sale. There are millions of conversations you can use, just start with the first thing that pops in your head. Works for me all the time.
Reply:i think talking about something like a sport or some artists of songs.but never talk about ex gfs or ex wives cause that's not a great topic at all!
Reply:Hi, I often talk about books. They always get me off to a great start. Or you compliment the person on a peice of jewlery they are wearing. I mostly use books. See a person reading one? Ask them if its a good book!
Reply:Music, TV, movies, books... how about asking what they did yesterday, last night, etc?

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