Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where can I go to find FREE phone #'s & addresses of friends I've lost contact with?

what kind of totally free sites can I get on that don't require mem.ship 2 find my birth mothers address %26amp; ph.# %26amp; also friends from my past who I lost contact with over the years I can't afford 2 pay any fees which most sites do Any help will be greatly appreciated Thank you

Where can I go to find FREE phone #'s %26amp; addresses of friends I've lost contact with?
try, gives you old and new information for free, but for more detailed you have to pay.
Reply:if you know their full name, then you should at least try other than that, im not really sure. wish i could've helped you more!
Reply:I have found lost friends on sites such as myspace. For info in reference to your birth mother, that's more complicated. i would start out looking for her by the hospital you were born. Hopes this help and good luck. (:

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