Monday, August 16, 2010

Any tip on how to find better quality friends?

I know that there all sorts of places where anyone can get get a look at all the quantity of people out there but how do you find the quality ones who will be your friends?

Any tip on how to find better quality friends?
Reply:i usually give all my friends one chance!!! if they stuff up i wont bother with them....basically treat them the way you would like too be treated....if not....bye!!!
Reply:Trust is the key to any good friendship. it takes a long time to make good friends.
Reply:Hold your standards high.. don't hang out with people that you would be embarrassed to introduce to your family and work mates. Spend time with people that communicate clearly and have manners.. Don't settle for less.. If they can't be bothered to learn the basics forget them. Join clubs that attract more interesting people. Educate yourself as well. You must also offer the qualities that you are looking for.
Reply:Easy, if you really want to know what type of people could be your best frenz, u need to mix with them and get to know them better.
Reply:be nice and be yourself
Reply:If they listen to you when you talk.

Don't forget "Real friends never ditch"
Reply:Usually the best friends, are the ones you wouldnt expect to be friends with at all.
Reply:if you have a big school there should be some kids to hang out with if not join groups like gems at church's or youth group maybe join soccer teams in the summer start talking to lots of kids in ur class

walk up to them ad say wasn't that a hard math page today or that was yucky soup in the cafeteria?

it should start some conversation.
Reply:the best freinds are bread over time... you just can't walk up to someone and expect them to be your friend.... go to them and share experiences with them... like going on a camping trip, or building something, or shareing a hobby... after many months and years, those experiences will temper your freindship... these are the best best friends you will ever have... great question.
Reply:Take a risk for opening up to people you feel you can trust. I don't mean to be raw, but show your authentic self. Friendship do takes time, but you have to remember, it will never happen if two individuals keep playing it safe and not transparent to each other. This will leads to intimacy (not sexual intimacy, if the friendship is strictly platonic), when that happens and the love for the other person's growing, it doesnt matter who they are. you guys will naturally be emotionally attached, which is an extremely great thing in a friendship.
Reply:Join organizations, so tht you will have something in common with them.

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