Monday, August 16, 2010

I go to college in the tri-state area and want to find new friends, where can I find them?

I am 20 years old and find myself stuck, all of my other friends are out drinking all the time and as I used to be interested in that stuff I am finding myself kind of bored of it! Now I am not at that lonely I have a wonderful boyfriend who supports me in every way but hey every girl needs her best friend (in which mine have gone back to their high school ways)...I was wondering where I could meet new friends- I love music, starbucks, gossip magazines, going shopping on occasion...just a normal girlfriend to turn to thats all!! HELP PLEASE!!

I go to college in the tri-state area and want to find new friends, where can I find them?
I do surf on a christian singles site that is the best I ever found.

A huge dating service - thousands of members (like me and some friends) looking for friends, marriage, even bible-study. The site has a searchable emails, chatrooms, and more.

Check it from the source%26lt;--
Reply:I know it can be hard finding friends when you're in a new area. I'm your age and I'm in the same situation! Everything will just sort of fall into place, and you'll make some friends eventually.

But in the meantime, it's all about getting out there and doing things. Like, instead of doing homework at home, go to the library or starbucks, so you'll be exposed to more people. And, when your in school, just start talking to people sitting next to you- chances are, they're probably looking for a friend, too. I mean, who isn't??

good luck :)

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