Monday, August 16, 2010

Why do ex boyfriends find it hard to be friends?

If I say so myself, I'm a really easy to get along with girl, esp. with guys, and I'm not a psycho girlf who has bad break-ups or anything - they're always really friendly and civil break-ups.

Still, why is it that guys find it so hard to be friends again after? I put in effort to be as friendly and talkative and make them feel as comfortable as possible (without pestering them of course), but they seem to want to act slightly... cold. Not in a mean way, they're still civil, but it kind of feels like they compete to prove they're more "over" me or disinterested than I am.

He broke up with me by the way if that's relevant, but it was a really really easy friendly break up.

Why do ex boyfriends find it hard to be friends?
This is going to be weird, but there was this Sex and the City episode where Carrie says "When the relationship ends, where does all the love go?" and the fact of the matter is, the love is still if you're friends with someone you still love, when they move on, that's going to hurt. You don't want to see someone you once loved loving and being loved by someone else, no matter how much you think you're over them.
Reply:becuase, they always dwell in the past and if it bothers YOU, its you that is dwelling in the past...



Reply:A guy is more than happy to be friends with a woman who he hasnt dated and wont be dating but it is odd in my opinion for anyone to be "friends" with someone who they used to date or be married with. I know that some people do it but it isnt the norm and I know I couldnt do it assuming it was a serious relationship. If it is some month or two type thing that just didnt feel right, that is a bit different but serious relationships end for a reason, and if you are still close enough to be friends then you should still be together.
Reply:Not only guys find it hard to be friends after a break up. So do I
Reply:you should just give them space...when they are ready to be friends they will know where to find put effort to be friendly but it could be mis interpreted as trying to get them back or something...
Reply:Because they don't want to be friends with you. So many people think that we can still be friends is something good. Its not, make the break a clean one and move on with your lives. Maybe they act civil but dissinterested because, they are polite, yet disinterested.
Reply:Well, that is completely genius..
Reply:Well being in a relationship you can hold hands, and kiss etc., being friends takes that away, and he might be hurt by that.
Reply:Because at this pint in their lives, they are still too immature to handle their feelings.

Good luck.
Reply:guys find it hard to be friends cause they might be scared there gonna fall back in love with you or if they have there eye on someone they might think that the other gurl will think yall are going back out and not like him anymore...

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