Monday, August 16, 2010

Why is it so hard to find true friends?

i always find friends who use me and hurt me

Why is it so hard to find true friends?
The problem is your rock bottom self-esteem! If 'friends' use and hurt you they're not your friends. Friends should make you feel good about yourself and support you emotionally. But maybe you're so keen to make friends you might just come across as terribly needy which sadly puts people off. A good way to meet like minded people is to DO stuff together so you feel less pressued about saying the 'right' thing.

Think about what you enjoy doing - sport? cooking? drama? and join a club, or social group. Hang out there for a while and approach people who look friendly and say 'hi'. It's much easier to make friends if you have something in common.
Reply:awwwwww, i love my girlies and i tink of them like sure there must be a true friend out there for you! i tink its like soulmates... just make loadsof friends, whenever there is a chance! even if they are totally dorkie, they could be gr8! good luck hun.

x x x
Reply:They,re out there you need to look and sometimes judge them.
Reply:Because of the nature of humanbeing who will never get satisfied
Reply:i have the same proplem____ i don't know why people have became such LAIRZ %26amp; being a ***** "sorry 4 the word" what i do.......don't trust anyone too much u can still talk with people but don't open up too much to them and don't trust them that much and find something intersing 2 do and forget about these bad people
Reply:Hi there I can completely understand what you mean about people.I have the same problem it seems my whole life and it is a real hurtful thing so I just wanted to say that I'm not like that at all so if you need a good friend you can count on me just e mail if you like. God Bless darlin take care.
Reply:because everyone is just fake
Reply:PLEZ send mi ur situation to mi email cause i hav so much experience 4 this dat itz hilarious but if u do send ur situation to mi include:age if ur popular,smart,wut kind of stuff ur "friends" do n anything else
Reply:True friends are the ones that stab you in you face not your back, maybe your too nice and people realise this so play on this to make their lives easy cos they know they get what they want off you!

How many true friends do you have and how many do you think take the p**s out of you for your true friendship?

If i was you i would sit down and think which friends are the true ones and which are just taking you for the biggest ride of your life, how is this affecting your life not knowing who you can trust?
Reply:it happens just drop them, for they usually dont have any real friends.
Reply:your not the only one but i came to my sences i stoped lookin friends. by time you gonna know who is usein you and who is not it was hard for me because i thought i had true friends by my side i was wrong
Reply:It's not hard to find true friends if you know what you're actually looking for.

You want somone you can trust, talk to, and have friendly and meaningful conversations. To do that, you must get to know the person inside-out by at least talking to him/her several days or weeks or even months.

Learn his good and bad habits. Learn things about him/her without asking. Observe what kinds of friends he/she has. Ask him/her what kinds of places he likes to go to.

By doing a thorough observation with your own eyes without asking him/her, you will determine wether that person is really the kind of person you want to talk with for long-term purposes.

Hope this helps :)
Reply:keep looking!! they're definitely out there and much more common then u may think

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