Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do you like your current friends, where can i find like minded people?

Do you like your current bunch of friends?, i have 3 groups of friends i see from time to time, i don't enjoy any of their company, they are all quite boring to me, the first group is my engineering friends from university, they are boring as hell but financially on my level. The second group of friends are some IT guys, they are a bit more fun but still boring as hell. The last group consists of 3 people that could be labelled as misfits\loosers, they are a bit more fun to hang around with, they are not pretentious etc., but they are not very intellectual or financially on the same level as me...

i would describe myself as a slightly intellectual person, a bit cynical, a dark, dry sense of humour, a bit philosophical and solemn, a person with no fixed identity or ego.

I am 25, and don't have any friends i enjoy hanging out with.

Do you like your current friends, where can i find like minded people?
Sometimes its okay to meet people that are not like you because you can show or teach them new things. Just go with the flow, if you happen to like someone who does not have the same qualitites you have, it's okay...just have fun.
Reply:you sound like a lot of the people who go to science fiction conventions, and like some who go to comics conventions.

No insult intended - these are my people.
Reply:try to be the one like what you call a "minded" one and surely, you'll attract some of them. don't try to boast what you have when you have nothing!
Reply:where do you live? join groups or go to the pub or meet people at places you enjoy to go to aswell
Reply:I like my current friends, who to my amazement, think I've been a great asset to them. I say this because I've been quite introverted, and it took having a stronger relationship with God and His Son Jesus to pull me out of that "shell".

You need to be around people who can challenge that introverted, solemn side of you and be a mentor/asset to others. This will draw people to you and find more in common. To make friends, you have to show yourself as friendly- but choose wisely. Having a relationship with the Lord, will let Him show YOU what you were meant to be, your still untapped potential, and good self-esteem.
Reply:I'm saying this in the nicest possible way with a genuine desire to help you. Have you ever considered the possibility that the problem is internal and not external. Would you be at all interested to know what these people that you find so boring thought of you, and if you found somebody who was intellectually superior to you, would you not just dismiss them as a opinionated snob. Good luck with your quest and above all seek the truth even if it means your ego gets a slap

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