Saturday, November 19, 2011

I need some new friends where can I find them?

I have this one person that suppose to be my friend, but she acts like she want to be my friend sometimes, and sometimes she act like she don't want to be my friend she was really the only friend I had. I talk to other people when I go to work, but I don't consider them as friends. I tryed really hard to hold on to the friendship, but its hard being friends with somebody thats not on the same page as you. She never calls me i always call her if I want to talk to her. I'am tired now I can't do it anymore.

I need some new friends where can I find them?
friends should be there when days are dark and when its not so dark!!! Remember that please... If friends or a friend is not there for you in times of need then dont consider them as friends... Remember a friends connection with you should be there and you should feel it... Friends are supposed to be precious... If they dont consider you as precious dump them and go without it until you find someone that you share a connection with.

Goodluck and dont stress!!!!
Reply:Good for you!!!! And remember friends come and go!!!! Goodluck and remember their is good friends out there!!! Report It

Reply:Being friends shouldn't be so much work. It should come easy and be fun and mutual. Just find things you like to do...and get acquainted with people that are there with the same interests. You'll find real friends that way.
Reply:If you want to make friends you have to think of your ideal friend: like what kind of qualities she'd have, what kind of person would you want to be your friend, etc. I've been where you are and still are because I got tired of people.

I think you need to check out some online sites like MySpace,, Tagged, Vois, Yahoo!, etc. I'll be your friend, just click on my pic and leave me an e-mail.
Reply:You might try getting involved in activities that you like, and maybe you will meet people who have similar interest to yours.

For example, if you like gardening, then you may want to join a group that does gardening. Or if you like to paint, then you could take a class on painting where you would meet others who like to paint. Whatever your likes or hobbies are, let them be an outlet for you to meet other people.

Get out there and enjoy life, and you will meet some people. You may not want to be friends with all of them, but if you just make one good friend it will be worth it.
Reply:if the friendship is onesided and you are tired of the dynamics, then maybe go and join a group that interests you. church, craft group, book club...

the only thing you have to change is to be around people who are like you, and the rest falls into place.

good luck.
Reply:You don't need friends like that,either they're gonna be there or not.People come in and out of others life all the time,you still have time to make real friends
Reply:If someone isn't really interested in being friends and you still want to be their friend, then be the better person and be a friend, someday they might need you. However, you can always find a true friend who cares about you as much as you care about them. Just keep meeting ppl and be a good judge of character.
Reply:Check out this group!

false teeth

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