Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I find more friends and keep them?

I have a hard time letting people into my inner circle. I have 4 best friends, each whom I have been very close to during different times in my life (talking every day, etc) I still feel like I can tell them anything. But I have lost touch with each one of them recently, due to all FOUR of them and myself being so involved in our relationships.

We are all very young... ranging from 19-21... and we are each been so attached to our boyfriends that we hardly make time to see each other anymore.

I just put my 2 year relationship to an end now, and I'm really hurting. My friends are being supportive...talking with me, going out to lunch, shopping with me. But most of them time its brief.

I love my friends, but I want to step out and make some new friends. Just some people to have fun with!

I make friends very quickly and easily, but I don't know how to keep them if it doesn't seem meaningful. I just stop making an effort to stay friends.

I want to change this. What can I do?

How can I find more friends and keep them?
move on
Reply:I too have the similar things as regard friendship. With me , i have their sweet memories. Its rule of lie----one goes, then another comes. But old are always gold. We must try to be in their touch, by any means, mails, telephone etc............

As friendship never dies.....we can never replace old friends, i realise it now! So, though i wanna a new friend in my life, still remember the old. Friendship will come ur way----------keep up with old...!! Time test friendship........having lots of friends with no meaning , like haveing none. so better to have one- who understands u!!
Reply:try and keep in touch with your friends try to you will be so lonely with out friends
Reply:Try joining a few social classes / groups, that way you can meet new people with similar interests. Once you've met a few people that you get on with you can branch out with them and do things outside the group that you met in.

I don't know if you have a job but work colleagues can be great friends as well.

About letting your old friends slip, everyone is guilty of that. I've done it before due to relationships and my friends have always been there after. Just be honest with them, tell them you're sorry for losing touch. They'll be cool with it, trust me!

The biggest bit of advice I can give is that relationships sometimes only last a few years but real friendships last a lifetime. Make the effort, its worth it.

Best of luck :)
Reply:What you need to do honey is go out, play sport anything that's outside your normal world. You could also try working in a customer service job also, Hospitality is a great way to meet people!!! Go do something you enjoy that way you'll meet people who like the same thing.

Remember: Hold your head and smile , people take notice and will want to approach you. Don't be down/negative or grumpy, or no one will want to know you.
Reply:Go for group dates. Or have a girls outing while the guys go out on their own. I don't think the guys would really enjoy going shopping with girls all the time. Treat them like you want others to treat you.
Reply:Set specific days where your close friends all hang-out somewhere in particular. Lets say for example that you come to an agreement with your friends to meet every Monday afternoon at the local Starbucks and just chat it up....You need to improve the quality of your friends..not the quantity.

teeth cleaning

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