Monday, August 16, 2010

How can i find people who also suffer from depression so i can make friends with them?

i need genuine friends who understand me and my depression and who can be there for me and comfort me through the times i need it and i can do the same for them. i live in southern cali, is there some easy way to find people who suffer from depression in my area to make close friends with?

i dont want counseling or drugs, i just need a good, like-minded friend right now

How can i find people who also suffer from depression so i can make friends with them?
There are chat rooms for people with depression I'm sure. Goggle depression groups, on line groups etc. Good luck to you!
Reply:oh gosh i know its soo hard for people to overcome that. try finding online support groups and just get out more. i know its so hard though my mother goes through that and ppl think that its something that they can just get over but its really not like that.i wish you the very best.
Reply:welcome to the club!

well you could try myspace or any other sites but i dont really know how.

i became friends with my inner self
Reply:you can try yahoo groups or myspace groups. just search your area and depression.

good luck with your depression. i remember how lonely depression can make you. hopefully you can find some friends to help you through it.
Reply:You could see if there's a Yahoo! Group for depression sufferers or even a Meetup group.

But depression is a genuine illness, and you might want to see a counselor who can help mitigate the symptoms if you're adamant about not using drugs (and I can't blame you).

Sadly, I live on the other side of the country, in Washington, DC. I'm actually dysthymic and looking for natural remedies when I go through low periods.
Reply:throw a stone. seems like everyone thinks they have it now. Are you situationally depressed or clinically depressed. You could also try a chat room for people with mental disorders.
Reply:maybe you should find someon who doesn't suffer from depression and who can help you. like, take someone who is anorexic. They don't need another anorexic person there, or they'd both starve to death. They need someone who can help them eat. same with you(but not the eating part. u get what I mean)
Reply:CHATROOMS/FORUMS: and and and Online help for those with thoughts of suicide is at: Phone: (U.S.A.) 303 429 3530.(also see page 5 of my website, here). At you are permitted one free email to their resident experts on joining (free), more if paying. The Samaritans organisation provides more generalised advice ( is operating in many countries, with multiple branches) email: Depression Groups, at Myspace, Google, and Yahoo. Statistically, there are bound to be some nearby: notices in shops, supermarkets, etc. with a disposable email address at Myway, Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail.
Reply:I don't live in southern cali but I do know ALOT about depression. I am one of the best people to talk to and stuff and I'd totally understand. PS i'm going to southern cali in june to see my sister. But, i'm only 17.
Reply:I know exactaly how you feel.

I always wanted to find friends that understood what i was going through.

But you might get even more depressed trying to find those people because most people that are depressed don't go around saying "i'm depressed, are you depressed? do you wanna be my friend" you know?.

I have went to counselers and took medication and its stupid and it doesn't help. They try to make you feel like theres something wrong with you, when really there probably isn't. Some depression is herititary, but i may be wrong maybe you really are depressed, but maybe you just need some uplifiting. I can see the hope in the way you asked the question.

I have no idea what your beleifs are so do not be offended.

But to tell you the truth i found the answer through God.

God is always there to be your friend, he is our best counselor. NO Medication can take away pain and hurt, it only plays with our minds.

Praying to god and beleiving in him might just work for you.

His love is amazing and you will feel better if you just give it all up to him.

But anyways if you ever need someone to talk to just email me.


Everythings going to be alright

Good Luck :)

Reply:numbero and guys
Reply:i don't know about local friends but i'm the same as you except i live in georgia.. been suffering from depression for three years.. but i think they have like pamphlets and things at the doctor's office and the hospital.. try searching online for a depression group in south cali..
Reply:Well, try yahoo answers XD

You could make your Question...

Anyone else like me?

and then for additional details, put your first name, or last if you feel comfortable (I'd recommend you don't) that you live in california, and ask if anyone knows what you're going through.

i have depression

But, i found the people who were most like me didn't live near me...Try finding someone on the internet possibly..

or if you're not comfortable with that, just find someon who looks lonely, maybe at school or somewhere, and make friends with them, they may have many problems they need help with too..
Reply:the first thing you should know about depression is it's not some medical condition, it's just a state of mind. if you choose to think you are depressed you will be depressed and if you choose to think you are happy you'll be happy.

if you need help fooling your emotions into being happy find friends that are upbeat and positive. they will counteract your natural tendency toward depression and before you know it, you'll be cured.

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