Monday, August 16, 2010

I need to find a nice picture of 'two friends' that I can use for the cover of my novel?

I have a novel I have to write for school, and right now I'm decorating the cover of it. The two main characters, Deidra and Kira, should be on the cover. I'd like to draw them how I see them in my head, but I'm not very good and they'll be cheesy. Deidra would need to have long dark hair, and Kira quite short brown hair. Is there any picture(like a proffesional picture with models) that could have girls that have those looks and resemble friends in the image? It's so hard to find..

I need to find a nice picture of 'two friends' that I can use for the cover of my novel?
I'd suggest looking for some royalty-free images at stock photos and illustrations web sites.

My personal favourite is You can sign up for a free account there and have access to images without watermarks. Just do a search for either photos or illustrations or both, and using 'teenager' or 'girls' or 'friendship' as keywords. Good luck.

Edit: And if you're comfortable with Photoshop or other image editing programs, you can edit the image however you want, to suit the book cover.
Reply:you could do an image search in google and just browse through pics. do you have a friend who can draw? or what about clip art?
Reply:just google "friends" and see what it turns up.
Reply:What about this?
Reply:Why not try clip-art in word?

Or grab a camera and head out to the mall, the theater, the beach, a park or someplace near where you live that you will might see two friends who resemble your idea.

Of course ask them if it would be alright to take their pictures and why you want to. Maybe you can pose them or just hang back for awhile acting like your camera doesn't work til they look candid and then snap their picture as if taking a test shot. You may have to take a lot like 15-20 before you catch them in an unassuming pose of your liking.

After you get some good pix, then photo-copy one or two then trace them onto white paper with crayons or colored pens/pencils til you get something you like. You may have to put a light source behind the paper like trace the paper while holding it onto a window or something.

Otherwise you may need to hire a professional illustrator which I was for a few years- ;)

Good Luck!

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