Monday, August 16, 2010

Ladies over 50 + do you find conversations with your friends..?

Ladies over 50+ do you find conversations with your friends consist alot about you latest aches, pains, illnesses and last doctor's visits?

Mayber senior men too ?

This question is not for you young folk now.

Ladies over 50 + do you find conversations with your friends..?
Yes, We actually have a couple of friends who have no problems. It is annoying.

We hit 62 and started to fall apart. My Husband and I both.

It is great if you are both having a good day at the same time.

God Bless and Happy New Year.
Reply:No, we talk about grandkids, the weather, the latest thing our families did together, and "what is this world coming to".

I don't talk about my personal problems as all they do is to make my friends depressed. And then there is Sarah, the local hypochondriac, who if you mention a pain to suddenly "catches" it. I'm sure you know the type.

The only talk I have about senior men is how that combed over hair looks silly. My hubby of seventeen years has a nice headful! My ex-husband, bless his heart, is dead...LOL!
Reply:Yeah...I started noticing the tendancy around age 45. So, I surrounded myself with younger friends.....I don't look my age, I don't have aches and pains,( at least not yet), and my "old lady friends" as I call them are so jealous!

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